(Photo Credit: Gunhandbags)
Veronica Rutledge, a 29-year-old mother from Blackfoot, Idaho, died two days ago when her two year old toddler allegedly pulled a gun from her CCW purse and shot her at near point blank range while shopping at a nearby Walmart, according to news reports. The purse reportedly had been left unattended in the shopping cart.
While Rutledge was not a Gunhandbags.com customer, she did receive the handbag as a Christmas present, as did many of our readers. For those of you who are new to using a Concealed Carry handbag, this tragic news is especially timely to remind us all of the caution we must exercise with our concealed carry purses.
Concealed carry purses carrying firearms should never be left unattended around children (or anyone else for that matter). If your purse comes with a locking zipper, as some brands do, use it. Do not leave a round in the chamber. Make sure the safety is always on.
These are basic safety tips we all should have learned during our CCW Permit classes. Following them will keep those around us safe while ensuring us the right to self-protection that we all seek.