Dry fire is a convenient and very effective way to practice shooting guns without using live ammunition. Of course, dry firing will not prepare you for the recoil of a gun, but it does provide you with a great way of practicing to fire your gun.
Studies have shown that people that use dry firing as their primary practice have slightly higher performance rates when compared to those that only use live ammunition. The reason? The lack of noise, recoil and other distractions that occur when live ammunition is used allows the trainee to focus more on practicing movements, aiming and developing good habits when shooting.
Female shooters should especially take advantage of dry fire training. Since they often learn to fire a gun for self-protection, chances are there will be only a limited number of such events if any in their lifetime. Dry fire practice allows women to focus on learning the ropes quicker without all the distraction of using live ammunition. Dry fire is a great technique for anyone with a new concealed carry permit who is just learning how to shoot.
Synchronizing the brain and the muscles
The most important advantage offered by dry fire training is creating, through repetition, synchronization between your brain and your muscles. Regardless of whether you are using live ammunition or not, you go through the same motions. You pick up the gun, you raise it to a certain height, you place your finger on the trigger and you shoot. The more repetitions of the same movements you have under your belt, the more proficient you become in using your gun.
Drawing your gun becomes second nature
Dry firing is not intended only for shooting with great accuracy; it also helps you reach for your gun when the situation requires it. Before you shoot, practice drawing your gun from your holster or concealed carry purse. In time, this will feel natural and you will be able to act quickly when something happens.
Loading and reloading
No matter what type of ammunition you are using, you will be loading and reloading your gun hundreds or even thousands of times. This will cultivate awareness and you will always know when your gun is loaded, how to keep your finger off the trigger until you intend to shoot and how to keep the gun away from children.
Polishing your skills
It is not enough to own a gun to be a good shooter. As with any other discipline, practice makes perfect. Dry firing allows you to polish your skills in order to become better, but without spending money on live ammunition.
Most Olympic shooters practice five times more often with dry firing than with live ammunition. This type of practice allows them to develop the skills needed for taking part in the most important sports competition on the planet, and it can help you, too.